Perjalanan Karier Saya

2020 – PRESENT


SIAP SIAGA is an Australian government grant program for the Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Disaster Risk Management.

  • Providing technical assistance in the preparation of the Agung Volcano Eruption Contingency Plan. This support was provided through a participatory mapping approach for the development of evacuation plans in this specific scenario, in collaboration with the Open Mapping Hub Asia Pacific.
  • Providing technical support in disaster risk communication strategies in Bali Province, both through social media and digital radio communication. This also includes the establishment of a communication network in the Rapid Reaction Team and Call Center in Karangasem to enhance the communication network in the Mount Agung area.
  • Providing technical assistance in the preparation of Bali EOC Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), including SOPs for the activation of the Volcanic Eruption Early Warning System.

2019 – PRESENT


  1. In January to February 2019, I was assigned to analyzed data and information to Mapping for Humanitarian System in Indonesia collaborate with Pujiono Centre (Pucen)
  2. In September to November 2019, I was assigned to analyzed disaster impact especially forest fire on 2019 and Palu Earthquake to Education Continuity for ASEAN Safe Schools Initiative (ASSI) Program.

2017 – 2019

Disaster analyst, Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB)

  1. In Augustus to October 2019, I was assigned to collect and analyzed data and information from forest and land fire control and made business intelligence dashboard from these data.
  2. In March 2019, I was assigned as a team that collected and analyzed data and information from Bili-Bili DAM with Dam Operational Improvement/Safety (DOISP) to assessed the cause of Sulawesi Selatan Flood that occurred on January 2019.
  3. In October 2018, I was assigned to be one of the Data and Information teams in the Earthquake, Tsunami and Liquefaction Disaster Emergency Management in Central Sulawesi. Here is our ArcGIS webapp that we used to published our collected data “”.  
  4. In August 2018, I was assigned to be one of BNPB’s National accompanying teams to analyze both spatially and temporally hot-spots, fire spots, road access and resources to help realize Asiangames Palembang without the smoke of forest fires.
  5. I have a daily duty to provide spatial and temporal analysis of weather and climate conditions for every hydrometeorological disaster (floods, flash floods, landslides and extreme weather) and to provide an analysis of the impacts that can occur next.
  6. I was assigned to become a member of the MHEWS (Multi Hazard Early Warning System) development and validation team which is being and will be used by BNPB.
  7. I was assigned to become one of the team members from BNPB who helped in the formulation of the Weather Forecast by Impact Project, BMKG.
  8. At the 2017 Gunung Agung Eruption I was assigned to assist in the collection of spatial data, and assisted in the formulation of spatial information that was accessible to the public.